Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Let the blogging BEGIN!

One of my New Year's resolutions was to start a blog.  Just 8 months in but at least I'm doing it!  People are always asking me how I do it...how do I juggle all that I have going on.  My answer to them is quite simply, "I have no idea!!!" 

I'm looking forward to keeping this blog to chronicle our crazy beautiful life and all of it's glory.  I'll be sharing recipes, kooky things my kids say, my Mary Kay journey, and my always exciting, never-a-dull moment love life.

So a little about my family:  We have three girls, much to my hubby's chagrin.  Sydney is almost 14 years old and going on 18.  She is an amazing kid and SO smart!  Her 'big sister abilities' never cease to amaze me.

Peyton is the middle child, 4 years old and with enough personality to fill an Olympic-sized swimming pool.  She is the epitome of a strong-willed child and keeps me on my toes (and on the Internet).  LOTS of funny stories come out of that one. 

Arlene is our last born.  She's 10 months old and is currently eating dog food...not even kidding.  Arlene is named after my sweet Nana who passed away while I was pregnant with her.  She is always on the move and a very happy little munchkin.

My husband, Jonathan, is amazing.  He works hard all day and comes home in the evenings to play with the kids and many nights he does it alone because of my Mary Kay business.  He is my 'why'...

So I guess that leaves me.  I'm a mom, a teacher, and a beauty consultant.  I love all three of my jobs!  They stretch me physically, mentally, and emotionally but you can't grow unless you stretch!  I'm a big dreamer and I'm a firm believer that my dreams are a glimpse into God's mind for me.  Keeping this thought in mind helps me to not limit myself to what I think is possible!

Thanks for visiting...more to come!!


  1. This is fantastic! I loved reading it and look forward to reading more! Even though you live right around the corner, I love to get a better glimpse into the beautiful woman you are! You inspire and amaze me my dear daughter!

  2. You are always inspiring me!!! Looking forward to more inspiration! :)
